Thursday, July 16, 2009

When Lightening Strikes.....Run

We had a great day yesterday. Our friends Terry and Billy came to visit us along with their dog Mesa. We swam at the beach for a few hours until it started to thunder, so off we went to the RV to cook Hoffman hotdogs on the grill. Soon the rain started with more thunder. We sat out under the awning until one big crack of thunder sent us quickly inside. These are the pictures of an RV that was about 50 yards from ours. The people had pulled in about 2 hours prior and were inside playing cards waiting for the rain to stop. Luckily no one was hurt but the electrical system in the RV melted and all the metal rivets popped out.

Soon the rain stopped for a while and everyone came out to assess the damage. It appears we were not spared, it blew out the GFI at our power post and our shore power connection does not work. So off to the RV place tomorrow for them to look at our power inverter and fix the problem.

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