Saturday, July 4, 2009

Out of the House

Well it took alot longer and much harder work than I had anticipated to move out of the house and into the RV. It was the sorting that was killing me. Give away, Store, Keep (and keep where!!)But it is finally done. Tom contends that we are seriously over weight but I believe that as soon as we both loose a few pounds, we can shed some of the extra clothing we are carrying.

We are just a little north of Dothan for a few days, to get the last minute stuff done and then we will be off to Tenessee and out of the heat for a few weeks. We did rent some grandkids for 2 nights and that was fun. I will post pics as soon as I reinstall the Nikon software.

Look for the pics tomorrow as today the family is coming up to celebrate the Fouth by the lake with us.

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