Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Lake Barkley

I know it has been a few days since we last posted, but we have had some network problems. It appears that the network that follows you everywhere has lost us. Every so often we catch a glimpse of them but they are like the fireflies we see at night, very illusive.

We had dinner on Sunday with Laurie and Wayne during a 4 hour thunderstorm. But the next two days yielded sunshine and the most amazing sunsets.

Terry and Bill called last night and the grandkids are back home with their Mom, so they are coming to visit us prior to heading back to the deep south. We are very excited to see them.

Lake Barkley is supposed to have wonderful fishing, so off the get fishing licenses and give our pocket poles a whirl. Maybe we can catch some fish for dinner. (hahaha)

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