Tuesday, July 21, 2009

We went to Paris...

We went to Paris... Paris, Tennessee that is. Tom, Laurie and I went to the American Bass Angler’s Barbeque Cook off on Saturday. It was lots of fun with some very interesting people, recipes and food carts. My favorite was the DoRagQ team. They look like a bunch of older biker guys who barbeque as a hobby. I think that maybe where the Dinosaur Barbeque got its start. Anyways everyone was very friendly and shared stories and barbeque tips when asked.

We found a Wally World and purchased a screen room so the bugs will leave us alone when we eat outside. Tom said we now have our City by the Coach (tent city that is).

Then on Sunday afternoon Laurie and Wayne came up for some barbeque. Oh yes, we cook out even in the rain. I have gotten good at cooking all our meals on the grill.

Monday and Tuesday have been project days. Laundry, cleaning, swimming with the dogs and did I mention that we are the only one’s here until Thursday. That gives us lots of time to reflect, pray, enjoy this wonderful place and catch up on the important things in life. YEAH!!!

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