Tuesday, August 11, 2009

When things get you down....

Did you ever have one of those days where everything you touched was sh*t. Well today was one of those days for me. I hate it when things don’t work like they are intended to. It really started last night when I went to make dinner. It appears my oven, which has never been used, does not work. The pilot light lights but the gas does not go into the oven burner allowing the oven to warm. Then this morning and afternoon I spent 3 hours on the phone with the MiFi people trying to make it connect to more than one devise (laptop) at a time. He final words were “I’ll check back with you after you take it all to a store front and see what they can do for you.” In the middle of all this our RV converter once again failed to charge the coach battery so we had to run the engine for a while to charge the house batteries. That is on our list of things to try to fix tomorrow. (Pray for us, we have no idea what we are looking for, but if the low battery alarms go off again at 4 am, you may find me sleeping in the back of my car.) Then as long as I was on a roll, I decided to call the satellite company again, (yes, I tried to fix this yesterday too!!) and find out why we have no satellite reception. You see yesterday I was told to call my hardware manufacturer, that it was not a service provider issue. So being fair to the young man today, I told him what I was told and that passing the buck was not a resolution I was happy with. So when he gentle suggested that today, I explained that the hardware was on our rooftop and asked if he would send his mother to a roof to try and fix her satellite. He was very sweet but was not able to fix our satellite issue either, so tomorrow morning I get to take on the hardware manufacturer. Lucky me. Finally at the end of the day, I look out to find Tom sitting at the picnic table repairing our new (only used 3 times) Instant Fisherman Poles. They have a ten year warranty, so one would think they would at least last 10 times before they no longer cast properly.

I give up. I am going to bed knowing God will give me a better day tomorrow.

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