Monday, August 3, 2009

Paducah and the NQM

Paducah is a very nice city. The art district was wonderful. Lots of cities have tried to do this sort of thing but not many have been successful. They have murals along one road that depict the history of Paducah and on the other side is a park in front of the waterway. In the heart of it all is the National Quilt Museum. This was our destination point for the day. As a quilter (novice in comparison to those on exhibit) I loved the works within the museum. Many of them took years to produce and the details in each were out of this world. It was very inspiring.

Then we went on to a photography museum that had an exhibit of their yearly contest. I was very surprised at some of the works. Tom feels that maybe I should enter next year's contest.

We did find an ice cream shop that makes its own ice cream. So after a little snack, we went through the dozen or so antique shops within the area. It was fun with Tom saying "who collects this old junk" in each shop. He truly does not get the need some people have for antiques.

Paducah's outskirts provided all the necessities: Wal-Mart, Walgreens, Chinese food and an ice machine.

One place I did not get to, but promise to return to soon, was the Eleanor Burns "Quilt it in a Day" shop. So look for our next visit to Paducah next weekend when we take in "The 8th of August Celebration".

This weekend was spent resting, sewing and just hanging out with the dogs.

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