Friday, May 22, 2009

May 22, 2009

Tom & Janet Aunt Jane & Uncle Fred

Janet's house and our RV in front of the horse barn.
The Skaneateles Judge
The Chase Gazebo
GO Lakers!!!
Linda & Tom
Mark from Doug's
Jill and Abby

We had a great time at the girls softball game. Unfortuately they did not win, but a fun time was had by all.

Then on Thursday we went to Skaneateles for the day and did a little shopping, had lunch at Doug’s and visited a few old friends along the way. The day was perfect and the water was a pristine clear blue. We also stopped and posed at the Gazebo where we were married.

Then it was back to Janet’s for dinner and cards with Aunt Jane and Uncle Fred.

Thanks to Janet we are having a really great time.

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