Tuesday, May 19, 2009

May 19, 2009

We had a great day yesterday. We got to spend the day with our niece Abby and her son Braydon. We went on the hunt for hotdogs and to take Braydon to his first hotdog outing at the world famous Heid's in Liverpool, New York. For those of you who don't know, Tom is a bit of a hotdog snob. His favorite being Heid's and at the bottom of his list are those pink things they sell in Alabama. From there we went on to an Italian meat market for meatball mix and sausage made in a ring. It was great fun and Braydon crashed in the carseat on the way back to the RV.

Woke up this morning to a hard front and very white frosted grass. Burrrr....it was cold for both me and the dogs at 6 am. Spent today doing laundry and school work. Tomorrow we will just chill and go to an evening softball game as the end of the week and weekend will be busy with visiting family and friends. Oh yes and a trip to Skaneateles.

Tom and his favorite hotdog.

Braydon with a longtime tradition of hotdogs, french fries and chocolate milk.

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