Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Getting Ready

We are getting ready for our first big outing (3 weeks)in the motor home on Monday. As we prepare there are a million little things to consider. They are almost like a spiders web. For example: WEATHER -> clothing, shoes, sunscreen, beach gear, coats, rain gear, umbrellas, hats, shorts, short sleeves, long pants, long sleeves, hoodies, one dress-up outfit with shoes to match (and remember the closet is only 4 feet long). Things to do during bad weather (games, books, crafts, laptops, Cd's, satellite TV). Cooking (grilling/non-grilling)and all the gadgets that go with both. And my lists go on and on, but if I forget something, there is always Wally World along most major highways.

So it looks like it will take me until mid-June to get the motor home ready for full time use and the house empty. We are looking forward to getting on the road and taking in all the sites and experiences that this will allow us.

We will keep y'all posted (with pictures!) wherever we go.
Always in our prays,
Anna & Tom

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